Just for my curiosity (and maybe even hurt me) I wanted to keep records of the delays incurred as a daily commuter to go to work in Milan in January in June this year 's. The times were not taken "per second", but rounded down to or over 5 minutes without cheating! Normally used to go to the workplace (departure and arrival Casalpusterlengo) the train to Milan 20416 Piacenza Greek Pirelli leg (leaving at 7:02 and arrival at 7:52) and the train from Milan 20431 Greek Pirelli Piacenza return (departure at 18:07 and arrival at 18:48): pretty much the same convoy.
propose the following summary table of my misfortunes user of rail transportation in the first six months of this year 's, which indicates that, on 104 days of commuting (thankfully I missed several days of travel), I have accumulated delays 2015 minutes, equivalent to 33.5 hours, slightly less than one working week!

Add to this dirty carriages, some behind closed sometimes with so many people standing, cold winter and hot in summer (although in this respect, the annual average is around 22 degrees, having a ' range from 4 degrees to the average winter over 40 summer) you can get an idea about the pleasures of the life of commuting. I will not forget the ads for train delays and cancellations of data with improper delay (especially in Milan on Greek Pirelli) less restrictive alternatives when it is already gone.
Thank Frenitalia, and thanks to those who, having control and being able to fix it, pretending that all goes to plan!
My name? No, I'm Ugo Fantozzi, accountant, though, as all the other hapless commuters, could I ask a kind of twinning!
Terranova dei Passerini (LO)
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