Small update of the January 2:
Here are pictures of what I sent to my combination I: 25 for a box with embroidered his initial (in her favorite color), with in a pinkeep, always with embroidered initial, and a pincushion-trick in pannolenci.
I also added a gift for the 26th, in a cosmetic bag with shears pannolenci matched. Barbara liked everything and I'm happy :-)
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18) 6 bottonicini style baby
19) a blend of orange satin ribbon
20) 6 charms fiorello
21) a blue skein
22) 2 sewing needles
23) cut a white ribbon with cherries
24) 2 charms Christmas
For 25 there was a handmade gift, I received a candle holders to decoupage. I received a welcome
cuddle during this time, but it deserves a separate post, complete with pictures (I hope that this time I come out well, because it deserves its own)! See you soon!